support for Proxim Silver wifi card

Petr Holub hopet at
Wed Mar 26 10:55:11 UTC 2008

> broken with the PCCARD slot rather than the card. Can that be
> because it's dual PCMCIA/ExpressCard slot? Any hints for further
> debugging of the problem?

I've just tried the following, if it is of any help:

[root at kloboucek ~]# sysctl -a | fgrep -i cardbus
hw.cardbus.cis_debug: 0
hw.cardbus.debug: 0
dev.cbb.0.%desc: RF5C476 PCI-CardBus Bridge
dev.cardbus.%parent: pci
dev.cardbus.0.%desc: CardBus bus
dev.cardbus.0.%driver: cardbus
dev.cardbus.0.%parent: cbb0
[root at kloboucek ~]# sysctl -w hw.cardbus.cis_debug=1
hw.cardbus.cis_debug: 0 -> 1
[root at kloboucek ~]# sysctl -w hw.cardbus.debug=1
hw.cardbus.debug: 0 -> 1
[root at kloboucek ~]# 
cardbus0: CIS pointer is 0x5001
cardbus0: CIS in BAR 0x10
cardbus0: Expecting link target, got 0x0
cardbus0: Warning: Bogus CIS ignored
ath0: <Atheros 5212> mem 0xbfeb0000-0xbfebffff irq 16 at device 0.0 on
ath0: [ITHREAD]
ath0: unable to attach hardware; HAL status 13
device_attach: ath0 attach returned 6


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