new server motherboard with SATA II

soralx at soralx at
Fri Jul 4 03:49:38 UTC 2008

> I totally agree about the price being insane. Some people swear by
> SCSI usually having better quality parts, no idea on how much that
> corresponds to the truth tho.

I believe that all it comes down to, is quality assurance for SCSI (hence
the price difference). How many DOA or failed SCSI disks have you seen
in your life? Then how about ATA (especially in the last couple years)?

I've had only 2 failed SCSI disks. One was an insanely old IBM model DCHS,
which could have lived hadn't I messed with it: pulled it out from the
server to make a backup(!), hooked it up to another controller, and the
interface ASIC blew up in smoke; fortunately, I was able to get another one
of those, and by swapping the PCB I was saved. The other one is ModusLnk
137Gb U320, which are refurbished Fujitsu MAU units, which were designed as
ATA-class disks with SCSI interface anyway. It developed bad sectors (found
out by SMART), and I'm still using it.

> / Jonas Lund

[SorAlx]  ridin' VN1500-B2

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