PCIe SATA controllers, are JMB363 or Sil3132 good?

Adriaan de Groot groot at kde.org
Tue Apr 1 15:35:11 PDT 2008

On Tuesday 01 April 2008 15:30:26 Dieter wrote:
> Looking for a PCIe SATA controller.  Are the JMB363 or Sil3132
> any good?  Any limitations (including speed) or problems?

3132 PCIe comes in various flavors - 2xSATA or 1xSATA + 1xeSATA. I've used 
both, under both 6- and 7- (although just right now my 31xx controllers are 
all in my Solaris boxes). It's fine; the usual kind of throughput -- I get 
around 80MB/s off of the four disks on my 3124 in another machine under 6.3. 

Hotswap is a little tricky, at it requires an atacontrol detach and attach.


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