Recommended SATA controllers

Mike Jakubik mikej at
Sat May 19 02:21:51 UTC 2007

Charles Sprickman wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a fairly nice dual-xeon Supermicro 1U that needs some parts.  
> It has onboard PATA and I'd like to throw some SATA drives in and get 
> an SATA backplane for it (machine has hot swap bays, it's missing any 
> sort of backplane).
> I'll need to put some kind of SATA controller in there.  What can I 
> buy that's known to be very stable under 6.2?  I recall that in the 
> past some onboard SATA controllers were a little sketchy...

I find that the Intel series (ICH) controllers are solid and have good 
support (i.e. Hot swap)

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