hardware/driver incompatibility ?

soralx at cydem.org soralx at cydem.org
Thu Jun 28 04:43:44 UTC 2007

> - 2 Western Digital WD2500YS hard drives
> - 1GB RAM
> Is there any way I could test my HD to detect/prevent failure ?

install smartmontools from ports
then: smarctl -t long /dev/ad4
after a couple hours check status: smartctl -a /dev/ad4

Western Digital harddisks are notoriously unreliable (I just had 2
WD5000YS fail recently, at about the same time; one had ~200 hrs on it,
the other ~1700h), especially the YS models. Also, WDC won't replace
them... Beware.

[SorAlx]  ridin' VN1500-B2

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