Looking for a motherboard with lots of SATA ports, supported in 6.2-STABLE

Ravi Pokala rp_freebsd at mac.com
Sun Jun 24 04:06:01 UTC 2007

Hi folks,

The motherboard in my home server recently toasted itself, so it's time to go shopping for a new one.

I don't like the bleeding edge enough to run -CURRENT, so I'm looking for something that's supported by 6.2-STABLE. I'm okay with doing simple MFCs to pull down a few drivers if needed.

My main concerns are that the networking is well supported (GigE preferred of course), and that there are lots of supported on-board SATA ports. I currently have four SATA drives, so I'd prefer six or eight ports on the new board for growth.

I don't care too much whether the new board is for Intel or AMD CPUs, as long as it supports dual-core CPUs. I can order ECC DIMMs cheap from work, so that's preferred but by no means necessary.

I'd also like decent on-board graphics, on the off chance I want to dual-boot it to play some older games. In FreeBSD, it just needs to be supported enough to give me a VGA console.

I'd like to keep it under $150 for the motherboard.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks,


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