support for components of Gigabyte GA-965P-S3 motherboard?

soralx at soralx at
Tue Jun 5 01:17:07 UTC 2007

> Can people relate any experiences using this motherboard under
> -stable or -current? It appears from my reading that in -current the
> audio will be supported through snd_hda, correct (ICH8 + Realtek
> ALC883)? Does it work well? What about the Marvell 8056 ethernet? I
> couldn't find much information about that one though--does the msk
> happen to support this one too (though the man page doesn't
> specifically say so)?
> What about any PATA/SATA problems / issues / successes?


Audio: snd_hda works reasonably well for playback (thanks Ariff!).
       Also, believe it or not, I'm not even disgusted with the
       integrated audio's quality.

Net: Surprisingly, Marvell have a binary driver for 5.x and 6.x.
     Look for e.g. 'mykbsd60x86' package on their web site. BTW,
     it'd be nice if someone could make a port... Seems to work.

SATA/IDE: Intel's ICH8 SATA controllers are quite good, as usual.
          JMicron's controller doesn't like atapicam in kernel, though
          (halts during boot). Might be something troubleshootable.

> -Jr

[SorAlx]  ridin' VN1500-B2

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