Quiet computer

soralx at cydem.org soralx at cydem.org
Wed Oct 4 19:40:01 PDT 2006

> >> For the archives, the VIA EPIA VT-310DP
> >> (<http://www.via.com.tw/en/products/mainboards/mini_itx/vt_310dp/>)
> >> works *great* with FreeBSD 6.1
> > How successfully does it meet your requirements for a quiet system?  

...and performance? (i.e., `ubench`) :) Also, just curious... can you
test the speed of crypto? Yes, want to gape at some large numbers ;)

> > (as I
> > think I read that both CPUs are actively cooled...)
> So far, it doesn't, since the power supply fan on the case I bought  
> is pretty loud (well, quieter than the old system, but not yet quiet  
> enough). But the manual for the motherboard indicates that it can run  
> fanless, and it has temperature sensors and a BIOS feature to shut it  
> down after it hits a critical temperature, so after some fidgeting I  
> suspect that I'll be able to quiet it down completely.

You might wants to consider using a low-power 'brick'-type AC->DC
PSU (~90W?) and a DC-DC voltage converter that plugs directly into
a mainboard's power connector. This will be quite noiseless.

Really, I'm rather impressed with FreeBSD yet again. Such an exotic
hardware, and all works right away. Huge kudos to the developers :)

[SorAlx]  ridin' VN1500-B2

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