USB (2.0?) / firewire support for external HD

Alessandro de Manzano demanzano at
Tue Aug 31 00:43:06 PDT 2004


I'm deploying a new server (probably some kind of Dell PowerEdge) with
FreeBSD 4.10-Release and I'ld know your experiences with USB and/or
firewire (IEEE 1394) connected external hard drives (like LaCie's or

Are they working correctly ? how about IEEE1394 and USB2 support in
4.10-release ? (my experience is limited to USB1 for stuff like
keyboards and mice)

Any hint and suggestions more than welcome !

Many thanks in advance!


Alessandro de Manzano

System & Network Administrator
Playstos - TIMA S.p.A.
Corso Sempione 63
20149 Milano, Italy

tel.: +39-023314153
fax : +39-02315678
email: demanzano at

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