[5.2.1] - Kernel/Memory segmentation fault : a solution.

Valéry valery at no-log.org
Mon Aug 30 10:09:00 PDT 2004

i met an error when compiling a new kernel :
"Memory error : segmentation fault"
(i tried to compile orginal GENERIC and my own, and
  the same result appear).
This kinds of computing stress the memory, and
if you have a bad one, you'll get this message.
Changing my 256Mo memory to a "10 years guaranted",
exactly what is specified by the mobo, the trouble
Because i'm using an IGP graphic card, you must know
that this one use the main memory to allocate his own.
For example, when you boot, if you have installed
256Mo of main memory, system say that you have only
192Mo, and it's right, the IGP allocate 64Mo for his own
So, knowing that, perhaps signals between BSD and the
mobo are not clear, and this will explain my "memory fault"
(system trying to use more than available for him ?..,
  i don't know, because BSD say well that i have 192Mo,
not 256).
Thus, searching, i have found a solution to avoid that :
you "must" just add one parameter in loader.conf,
and all will be nice :
you can specify hw.physmem="128M", or "131072K", or use
the suffix G for 1Go, and so one (see loader(8))
Setting this parameter was good for me, my new kernel
compile without error, even with my old memory.
This tips perhaps will avoid to someone to buy a
very expensive "10 years guaranted" memory.

Regards to the community,


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