motherboard has died, any recommend? nForce2? or else?

Olivier Gautherot ogautherot at
Thu Aug 26 01:35:43 PDT 2004

Hi Mezz!

>Current I am stuck in the webmail and family computer for now. Anyway, my motherboard just died last night so it looks like I will have to shopping for some new hardwares. It is a desktop and I reinstall GNOME stuff for test pretty often. I am pretty happy with the AthlonXP 2000 speed, so I don't really need any power or expensive hardwares.
>I am wondering if anyone can recommend me what chipest (include motherboard) should I buy? nForce2? VIA? or whatever? I personal like AMD, btw. :-) The nForce2 chipest is one thing that I am not sure how it plays nice with FreeBSD. I think, I might pick AthlonXP Barton 2800 to 3200 as my choice of CPU. No Athlon64 or newest CPU, all I need is stable that will work very well with FreeBSD.
>All I need is chipest or motherboard recommend then I will pick CPU, HD, RAM and etc by myself because I know what to get. Thanks!

I'm personally using a VIA chipset on a MicroStar MS6511 with no problem 
at all. It's getting a bit old but works just fine.


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