Rainbow Technologies Cryptoswift

Jim Zajkowski jim at jimz.net
Tue Aug 17 13:57:52 PDT 2004

On Aug 17, 2004, at 11:47 AM, William Mansfield wrote:

> Has anyone gotten Cryptoswifts to work under FreeBSD5.2?

> I have not gotten any repsonse from Rainbow tech support to see what
> the official party line is from them.

Yeah good luck. I had them telling me "we don't support FreeBSD" four 
or five times around and when I pointed out (loudly) that page xx of 
the manual lists FreeBSD, as does the box, they sent me a kernel driver 
for 4.2 or so, which didn't work.

I will never buy a product from Rainbow again: I literally had to 
scream at them on the phone before they would cough up anything.  I 
would return the card if I were you, considering you spent $1.5K on a 
card and getting tech support that operates on a "need-to-know" basis.

(heh, post from me on this topic: 


Jim Zajkowski          OpenPGP 0x21135C3    http://www.jimz.net/pgp.asc
System Administrator  8A9E 1DDF 944D 83C3 AEAB  8F74 8697 A823 2113 5C53
UM Life Sciences Institute

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