Kyocera 7135 (and Treo) USB support

Eric Kjeldergaard kjelderg at
Mon Aug 9 16:03:08 PDT 2004

Hello to fellow FreeBSDers.

According to this message:

Support for the Kyocera 7135 and Treo palm pilot syncs via USB should be 
fairly trivial.  It appears to be simply the reassignment (swapping) of 
two of the pins.  One of my friends recommended this list as the place to 
discuss hardware support for FreeBSD, so I thought I'd write.  Are there 
any plans/is anyone willing to implement this support in FreeBSD?  If 
there are no takers, I likely will write support and submit the patch, but 
I though that someone more familiar with the uvisor module might be a more 
appropriate choice.  I haven't written to its authors directly but rather 
thought addressing it to this list would be more widely useful.  (Normally 
I'd be happy with serial support, but the IBM Thinkpads appear to no 
longer believe in serial ports so I'm going to have to migrate towards 
USB).  Thank you for your time,

 	Eric Kjeldergaard

I write a signature to let you know I care.

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