Big Problem

William Mansfield william.mansfield at
Wed Aug 4 09:07:25 PDT 2004

I had a similar problem with a database environment a while ago.
Throughput on the DB (5-6TB) was aweful due to some really poor
coding, so we needed options to speed up the indexes and such. This
was on a 16way Itanium2 Unisys box attached to EMC 8830 storage to
give people an idea how bad the DB and the queries were set up. We
eventually scrapped the project due to overruns in cost, time, and

The only real solution we could come up with was a product from Texas
Memory Systems called TerraRAMSan. It's a bit spendy and power hungry,
but allows you to have ram based LUNs addressable via the SAN. Stripe
12 or so of these together into a volume and you should be able to get
some performance gain.

On Wed, 04 Aug 2004 19:34:31 +0800, Kathy Quinlan
<kat-free at> wrote:
> Hi Guys and Gals,
> First off I am not a troll, this is a serious email. I can not go into
> to many fine points as I am bound by an NDA.
> The problem:
> I need to hold a text file in ram, the text file in the forseable future
> could be up to 10TB in size.
> My Options:
> Design a computer (probably multiple AMD 64's) to handle 10TB of memory
> (+ a few extra Gb of ram for system overhead) and hold the file in one
> physical computer system.
> Build a server farm and have each server hold a portion eg 4GB each
> Server (250 servers (plus a few extra for system overhead)
> The reason the file needs to be in ram is that I need speed of search
> for paterns in the data (less than 1 second to pull out relevent chunks)
> I am sure I have missed some options, right now I am just kicking ideas
> around, the software will be based on FreeBSD with some major
> modifications to address the large amount of ram (probably set it up as
> a virtual drive with one file)
> Regards,
> Kat.
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