Spring cleaning giveaway - UPDATE

J. Seth Henry jshamlet at comcast.net
Wed Jun 4 11:15:43 PDT 2003

I managed to get rid of some of my surplus gear, but not all.

I had a fellow claim the serial terminal, and some of the K6 CPU's, but
never got back to me with an address. If you still want these items, let
me know.

I had someone else looking for a K6 CPU, but my emails have been bouncing.

Right now, I still have:

1) CIT224 serial terminal VT52/100/200 - runs up to 9600 baud reliably,
19200 with occasional problems.

~15 lbs

2) 4x K6-2 266 CPU's. Presently in a tray, but I can divide them up.

3) 1x K6-3+ 450 CPU with heatsink/fan (not sure if it works)

4) Voodoo2 board. I believe this is the 12Mb version of the card. I have
the passthrough cable, and I believe the SLI cable as well.

5) 4x 1Mb 30-pin SIMM's

6) 1x Compaq RAM for 386LTE, or similar vintage laptop.

Last call - after this, it goes to the dump, or the local thrift shops.

Seth Henry

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