ATA READ command timeout (and worse)

Stephen McKay smckay at
Wed Jul 2 09:10:02 PDT 2003

On Tuesday, 24th June 2003, Stephen McKay wrote:

>Woo hoo!  First bug found.  I'll see if I can find more. :-)

A status update on my SiI 0680 troubles in FreeBSD 4.7:

I was running one disk on the M/B IDE controller and 3 disks on the
SiI0680.  When I thrashed 2 disks, one on each channel of the SiI, I
got command timeouts.  It all looked very bad.  I changed cables,
considered replacing the power supply, and even fiddled the driver

But when I moved another disk off the SiI onto the M/B and put both
problem disks on the same channel, all my problems went away.

So far, in the only-use-one-channel configuration, I've done about
a dozen runs of my exerciser test without a failure.  Previously
there was a failure (and sometimes a panic) during every test run.

At the same time, Søren has committed some fixes and improvements to
-current and says that with the better docs he now has for the SiI0680
he can better detect which channel is posting an interrupt since they
share one on this card.  He says he can't duplicate my problem, but
I'm assuming this extra check will do the trick.

So, the summary is:

- As of very recently, SiI 0680 on -current should be OK (I've not tried
  it though).

- Only use one channel of the SiI 0680 in 4.7/4.8/-stable unless you
  want occasional horrible failures.

- There should be a fix in -stable soon.



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