The out-of-swap killer makes poor choices

Olivier Certner olivier.freebsd at
Wed Feb 24 18:11:14 UTC 2021

> For such cases, another solution exists on Linux to dynamically enlarge
> the swap partition (something like dphys-swapfile or SwapSpace - see
> <> ), but I do not know if such a
> tool exists on FreeBSD?

In case there is some misunderstanding: I didn't want that in my particular 
case. Putting the machines to a crawl for jobs that mostly were too big anyway 
to survive even with swap indeed proved out to be a very bad idea. Also, 
removing swap was for me an occasion to test whether the absence of it was 
causing any change in the odd OOM killer behavior I was observing 
(unfortunately, as said, this was not the case).

That said, I wasn't aware of these tools. Interesting to know. Thanks.

Olivier Certner

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