MFCing a src commit if I forgot the MFC tags

Kristof Provost kp at
Wed Feb 17 18:15:39 UTC 2021

On 17 Feb 2021, at 19:04, Daniel Ebdrup Jensen wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 06:58:42PM +0100, Kristof Provost wrote:
>> On 17 Feb 2021, at 18:46, Neel Chauhan wrote:
>>> I have this commit: 
>>> This commit enables IPFW NAT to NAT a certain port range on the 
>>> outside, much like a Carrier Grade NAT setup.
>>> When I committed this, I forgot to add the MFC tags. However, I 
>>> would like to MFC this commit.
>>> Can I just commit this on my own to stable/12 and stable/1, or is 
>>> there something special I need to do?
>> MFC tags are indicative, not mandatory. I sometimes end up not MFCing 
>> things I’d tagged with an ‘MFC after’ after all.
>> It’s perfectly okay to MFC things that don’t have a tag. 
>> (Although if it’s not your commit it may be a good idea to ask the 
>> author why it wasn’t tagged.)
>> This commit has been in main long enough to be an MFC candidate, so 
>> you can merge it to stable/13 and stable/12 at any time.
> I always just thought MFC field was a way of ensuring that you get a
> notification about it on email?
That’s one effect of it, yes. It also communicates your intention to 
merge this (which is why you get the reminder).
It’s not mandatory to follow through on it and lack of the tag does 
not stop you from merging it after all (but does mean you won’t get a 

Best regards,

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