(solved) Re: Huge mergeinfo list after merge from vendor branch

Stefan Eßer se at freebsd.org
Sat Jul 11 07:49:22 UTC 2020

Am 11.07.20 um 01:50 schrieb Rodney W. Grimes:
>>> On Jul 10, 2020, at 12:21 PM, Simon J. Gerraty via freebsd-hackers <freebsd-hackers at freebsd.org> wrote:
>>> Rodney W. Grimes <freebsd-rwg at gndrsh.dnsmgr.net> wrote:
>>>> Was a merge done from the wrong working directory?
>>>> Merges need to be done while cwd is the top level of the src tree.
>>> Pretty sure the examples in the svn primer show
>>> 	cd contrib/foo
>>> 	svn merge ^/vendor/FOO/foo/dist .
>>> if that's not correct, and update would be useful.
>> Hi,
>> 	What sjg@ pointed out is the proper way to handle vendor updates/imports.
>> Thanks so much!
> I wonder if it is because of a svn copy that was done to
> originally create contrib/foo rather than an svn merge?

I have no idea whether the cause was the SVN copy, but the mergeinfo
was in no way related to the files that had been provided in the
contrib area with SVN copy.

The mergeinfo was for other paths ending in contrib/bc in project and
user directories, completely unrelated to what I'm working in.

Anyway, I deleted the mergeinfo from that directory (not the root of
the source tree, of course) and recreated the correct mergeinfo with
"merge --record-only" from the vendor directory.

The resulting mergeinfo looked sane and I have performed the commit.

Thank you for your replies on this topic and best regards, STefan

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