Huge mergeinfo list after merge from vendor branch
Rodney W. Grimes
freebsd-rwg at
Fri Jul 10 16:40:55 UTC 2020
> We have gathered lots of mergeinfo junk in the source tree over the
> decades, but I did not know it was so bad ...
> I had not performed any merges for a long time and now that I have
> to merge from the vendor branch to contrib in -CURRENT, I'm surprised
> by the long mergeinfo list I got:
> $ svn propget svn:mergeinfo -R /usr/src/contrib/bc
> . - /projects/bectl/contrib/bc:336666-337662
> /projects/bsd_rdma_4_9/contrib/bc:319973-326168
> /projects/bsnmp-improved-ipv6-support/contrib/bc:301868
> /projects/building-blocks/contrib/bc:275142-275143,275198,275297,275306-275307,275309,275311,275556,275558,275600,277445,277670,277673
> /projects/clang-sparc64/contrib/bc:262258-262612
> /projects/clang-trunk/contrib/bc:283596-287505
> [...]
> /vendor/bc/dist:362987-363077
> /vendor/device-tree/dist/contrib/bc:303380
> /vendor/resolver/dist/contrib/bc:1540-186085
> A total of 56 lines, which are not relevant to this software, except for
> the 3rd last line:
> /vendor/bc/dist:362987-363077
> Before causing a mess in the repo by committing the merged sources,
> I'd like to know whether this is "normal" behavior, or whether I need
> to clean up the mergeinfo before the commit.
> Thanks in advance, STefan
> PS: The committers handbook has quite some information regarding this
> kind of merge, but it makes me think that only the relevant mergeinfo
> line should have been registered ...
Was a merge done from the wrong working directory?
Merges need to be done while cwd is the top level of the src tree.
If done in a subdirectory a massive pile of unwanted mergeinfo is created.
You can step back through the merge commits and see when this happened.
Rod Grimes rgrimes at
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