Bruce D Evans

Gary Jennejohn gljennjohn at
Thu Jan 16 13:28:03 UTC 2020

On Thu, 16 Jan 2020 12:01:22 +0100 (CET)
Wojciech Puchar <wojtek at> wrote:

> >> in contact with Julie, and one of us will probably be visiting her at
> >> the end of next month (February) to see what they can find.  You'll
> >> appreciate that this is a delicate balance of the interests of the
> >> project and the interests of the family.  
> >
> > I agree.
> >
> > This is part of the reason why I publicize everything that needs to be publicized on github, etc, and encrypt everything that deserves to be lost in oblivion, should something happen to me. If someone wants to dig through the remains of my electronics later, they___ll likely be disappointed, since it___s all pretty much DRMed media.
> >  
> too i agree but why you all so easily and happily go to one big 
> world-sized services and corpos?
> I too use git regularly but i put my repositories in my server or my 
> employer server. Same with mail, same with everything.
> I would never use github. As well as many other one-service-per-world 
> services.

I think you overlooked the "everything that needs to be publicized" in Enji's
comment.  If one is developing for the community then github is the logical
place to put code so that other members of the community can easily access it.

If development is for the employer or personal use then there's no reason
to make stuff publically available.

> Do you really like to be like bees or ants living in one big hive and 
> being an element of one machine, or rather be humans? I've chose the 
> latter.
> > Let___s respect Bruce___s family and their privacy by going through the proper channels Greg, et al, are persuing.  
> right.

Gary Jennejohn

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