raspberry pi zero and SLOW USB HID

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at puchar.net
Mon Jan 13 13:40:29 UTC 2020

thank you for the help i already got. Raspberry pi zero run now completely 
with FreeBSD including USB.

Over this USB we connect our own hardware that looks like HID device. 
Actually it's nothing like mouse or keyboard, but it's HID
device so to be able to work under windoze without requiring user to 
install any drivers.

Both raspberry pi and PC have 480Mbit/s USB. device actually works with 
12Mbit/s USB.

my program does lots of hid_read_timeout from this device

When running on PC it goes fast - able to perform enough reads to read all 
needed data.

When running on raspberry pi - in spite of total CPU load is far less than 
5% - it is slow. all hid_read_timeout works properly but
way too slow. every read takes like 10 times more time.

what is needed to fix this?

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