Best Way to Organize My Work ?

Heitai heitai at
Thu Apr 16 02:25:59 UTC 2020

Good Evening or Else,

I want to take a turn in my works methodoligy.

I ask here because the my wish is Hack and Help, FreeBSD and BSD*Like.

[01]-< What the simplest way and the best flexibility to put down my
       thinking ?

       --> Use text only or a content project manager ?
       --> Use an online server like VPS or an @Home machine ?
       --> For ask Help and have the best response as possible How
           share my thinking and my Works ?

[02]-< How can stay a trace of my Works with secure methode, to
       avoid system trash, humain error, hardware malfonciton, cracking
       and else ? and stay access for GNT differences and time
       disponibility for possible helpers.

       --> An git or subversion on a local machine ?
       --> Use a basic installation of FreeBSD on a online server with
           just a versioning manager, securite it with le lowest deamon
           and software as possible ?
       --> Use a content project manager like trac with the admin
           complexity overlay and the security risk for just a
           personnal organization ? And personal Works before
           commit it under concerned community, FreeBSD
           documentations, Code modify, maintened ports if I need
           software or upper version... else, MiniX, NetBSD and all i
           need to work : BackUp config files, personal notes and
           thinking, ToDo's list, AdressBook, etc...

[03]-< Where can i find help, with a preference in French ?

       --> in usenet ? for better structuration of my asking and my
           thinking about my problematics ? But this protocol seems
       --> in internet reality chat ? But it's not easy for me to
           ask for a complex problem in one or two lignes.
       --> in a malling list ? But where, in French if possible, about
           python, C, CPP, and shell scripting. I dislike forum
           becouse need always login, too much thematics and too
           nuch differents web sites.

       ---[ Use [01] and [02] to highlight my Questins and for can't
            repet or re-explain the most of the time less goods... ]---
       --> I just want to organize me to Works better and with better
           efficiency, Organize my life with all tasks which are
           necessary, Learn and take notes to my programming progress,
           Help projects that I appreciateand and progress with.

[-- That's All --]

I hope I was clearly in my purpose and I hope you take a litle time to
reply just for confirm or not the diffent possibility
expossed in this mail.

Take Care,
See you and Best Regards.


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