Amazon AMIs

Matthew Seaman matthew at
Thu Feb 21 08:00:55 UTC 2019

On 20/02/2019 22:32, Jonathan Anderson wrote:
> On 20 Feb 2019, at 18:50, Alex Dupre wrote:
>> Colin Percival wrote:
>>> Last time I looked at this, we weren't handling hotplug/hotunplug of
>>> "NVMe"
>>> disks properly on the m5/c5/etc. instances.  I opted to recommend the
>>> instance
>>> which completely works rather than the one with slightly better
>>> performance...
>> It does happen only on a few instances, but I get some freezes on new t3
>> machines:
>> They are indeed cheaper and more performant, but not 100% reliable in
>> every workload.
> ?

Yes, indeed.  That's a very good reason not to recommend the newest and
shiniest.  I haven't seen any problems so far, but then again it's only
been a day or so and we haven't got into the full testing regime quite
yet.  I'll let you know if we do run into problems.

Is there work on hot-plug NVMe going on?  ISTR jmg@ mentioning hotplug
PCI at the dev summit at Stockholm EuroBSDCon, but not much since then.



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