bsd android tethering using USB cable - intermittent failure
Matthias Apitz
guru at
Tue Feb 12 09:16:08 UTC 2019
El día Monday, February 11, 2019 a las 02:39:37PM +0100, Julian H. Stacey escribió:
> Hi Matthias & all,
> > I think you must not have this interface 'ue0',
> Yes, you'r right, thanks, Tethering the smart phone kills
> the adb direct over usb connection, not surprising in retrospect ;-)
> > i.e. you must not enable
> > 'rndis' in the gadget. Or use TCP and SSH or ADB, not both. See this
> > life example:
> >
> > I have not set in the BQ:
> I presume BQ is your name for your phone type.
Yes. It is an E4.5 produced by the Spanish company It runs an
Ubuntu Touch on top of an Android kernel.
> > android-gadget-service enable rndis
> I don't know what file on bsd or android you refer to. (Fortunately
> android 6 has find & grep (earlier does not)), but I find nothing
> with these:
> On android:
> cd /etc;find . -type f -exec grep android-gadget-service {} /dev/null \;
> On current freebsd :
> man urndis
> cd /usr/src ; find . -type f -exec grep android-gadget-service {} \;
No. This is a shell command in the Ubuntu Touch. I was hoping that
Android has something similar in your device. It enables tethering,
which we don't want to have here in our case of ADB.
> > # ifconfig ue0
> > ifconfig: interface ue0 does not exist
> >
> > attach E4.5
> Too cryptic, not sure what you mean.
I meant: I just pluged-in the USB cable from the E4.5 to my laptop.
Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru at, +49-176-38902045
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