nosh init system

Cy Schubert Cy.Schubert at
Sat Feb 9 02:32:46 UTC 2019

On February 8, 2019 1:51:16 PM PST, Conrad Meyer <cem at> wrote:
>Hi Sidju,
>On Fri, Feb 8, 2019 at 12:52 PM Sidju via freebsd-hackers
><freebsd-hackers at> wrote:
>> I might be missing something since I have only been in the group for
>a few months, but is anyone looking at the "nosh" init system (
> )?
>Not that I know of.
>> From what I have read there is some talk of writing a new init
>system; is nosh known to be bad in some way or just obscure (it did
>take me a decent while to find)?
>It's good to be use precise terminology when discussing these things,
>because confusion can lead to the wrong idea and pedantic arguments.
>To be clear, FreeBSD isn't missing an *init*, which serves to launch
>pid 2 and reap zombies.  We're missing a half-decent service
>management system.  On Linux, systemd performs both roles.  On
>FreeBSD, init(8) serves one role, and rc(8) is a tiny subset of a real
>service management system like systemd.
>(I think the piece we would consider replacing or supplementing would
>be rc(8).  Part of that might be migrating some responsibilities from
>pid 1 to pid 2, such as spawning gettys.  I don't hold strong opinions
>about that.)
>Nosh may be useful for inspiration (and portions may be used directly;
>it's MIT and BSD licensed).  I haven't taken a thorough look at it,
>and I don't know of anyone else who has either.  I don't believe it is
>suitable to be dropped in (for a host of reasons, not all technical),
>but I could be persuaded I am mistaken.
>Best regards,
>freebsd-hackers at mailing list
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I've been partial to Solaris (illumos) smf,  started by init (through their sysv inittab). CDDL may not be palatable to some but if we could I'd consider it again.

Pardon the typos and autocorrect, small keyboard in use.
Cy Schubert <Cy.Schubert at>
FreeBSD UNIX: <cy at> Web:

	The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

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