top(1): adding grep like selection and system processes

Christian Barthel bch at
Fri Nov 23 18:42:05 UTC 2018


I've added two features that I (personally) found useful in top(1): 

A grep-like feature to filter command names in top(1) (inspired by the
OpenBSD top version).  One example may be to filter out all current
virtual machines by using "top -g bhyve" or interactively with "g
bhyve". (there was already a selection field ps.command; so, perhaps
someone is already working on a similar feature?).  It is not possible
to filter with a regular expression.

The second flag is selection of system processes with -K or
interactively toggle between user and system processes.

I want to ask if this is of general interest for FreeBSD users or if its
useful for someone else here?  I've tested it on FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT.


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Desc: top(1) patch to add grep-like feature and system process selection. 
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