How can I wait for a USB Ethernet adapter to appear to configure lagg on startup?
Masachika ISHIZUKA
ish at
Fri May 18 06:47:05 UTC 2018
>>> I use a nootbook machine.
>>> As this machine has no internal nic, I use a USB ethernet adapter(ue0).
>>> I want to configure lagg0 of ue0 and iwm0, but I must wait to start
>>> /etc/rc.d/netif until appearing the ue0.
>>> I'm using patched netif as follows, but I must keep it whenever
>>> 'mergemaster -Ui' is run.
>>> Is there a more elegant way?
>> Yes. In fact, you do not need to wait but "hook" on the event of ue0 creation.
>> We have several ways to do that and simpliest one for network interface is
>> using /etc/start_if.ue0 script like this:
>> #!/bin/sh
>> ifconfig ue0 up
>> ifconfig lagg0 addm ue0
> Sorry, this should be "ifconfig lagg0 laggport ue0"
Thank you, Eugene.
I wrote /etc/start_if.ue0 on 12-current r333704 as follows
% cat /etc/start_if.ue0
ifconfig ue0 ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx up # set iwm0's mac address
ifconfig lagg0 -laggport wlan0 laggport ue0 laggport wlan0
/etc/rc.d/wpa_supplicant start wlan0
Now, it works well.
Thank you very much.
Masachika ISHIZUKA
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