New microcode updating tool for FreeBSD
Stefan Blachmann
sblachmann at
Sun Feb 11 06:39:10 UTC 2018
On 2/11/18, Sean Bruno <sbruno at> wrote:
> On 02/08/18 23:15, Stefan Blachmann wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to introduce you to my new microcode updater for FreeBSD.
>> As the old devcpu-data port has serious bug and does not support the
>> new multi-blobbed Intel microcode format, I have made this new tool.
> devcpu-data is a bunch of microcode files and a parser for the intel
> legacy microcode.dat file. Do you mean cpucontrol in the base system
> has a bug? I found reference to this in the code at the github download
> link pointing at a patchless comment-type bugzilla entry here:
> Do you feel like trying to come up with a patchset or modification to
> the existing usr.sbin/cpucontrol (which appears to be the basis of the
> code in this github repository)? We could start using the Phabricator
> review system to try and get your work into a form that would be
> accepted into the base system.
> sean
On 2/11/18, Sean Bruno <sbruno at> wrote:
> On 02/08/18 23:15, Stefan Blachmann wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to introduce you to my new microcode updater for FreeBSD.
>> As the old devcpu-data port has serious bug and does not support the
>> new multi-blobbed Intel microcode format, I have made this new tool.
> devcpu-data is a bunch of microcode files and a parser for the intel
> legacy microcode.dat file. Do you mean cpucontrol in the base system
> has a bug? I found reference to this in the code at the github download
> link pointing at a patchless comment-type bugzilla entry here:
> Do you feel like trying to come up with a patchset or modification to
> the existing usr.sbin/cpucontrol (which appears to be the basis of the
> code in this github repository)? We could start using the Phabricator
> review system to try and get your work into a form that would be
> accepted into the base system.
> sean
I think I should start with the background first:
Because of the Meltdown/Spectre issues, I took a look into devcpu-data.
The PR was written by the guy doing the Linux kernel microcode update
stuff. No FreeBSD guy, not even the author of devcpu-data, cared about
that important PR for more than three years!
That bug is indeed serious, as while testing I myself observed the
processor occasionally being incorrectly identified due to this.
This indicated to me that devcpu-data is very littly tested and
nobody actually seemed interested in dealing with it.
Thus I concluded that the microcode update process should be
*completely* reviewed and verified that each and every step is
actually done *exactly* to Intel's specifications.
The cpupdate program is the result of this work.
I decided first to untangle the sparsely commented spaghetti code of
devcpu-data, and to walk through the CPU identification/updating
process step-by-step, while consulting the Intel manuals to make sure
it is done according to Intel's specs.
While doing this, I found that there are other issues with
devcpu-data for which no PRs yet exist.
For example, using bits that are reserved by Intel, instead of only
using the bits that Intel specified to actually be used.
Another thing I noticed when testing the new tool was that there is a
not-yet-documented format change by Intel (at least I could not find
any "official" reference).
This regards microcode files which contain multiple update blobs
(currently up to 7) which are targeted to CPUs of same
model-family-stepping, but different CPU flags.
There was a post from a Dell guy on Phabricator, hinting that in
case one wonders why there are less files in intel-ucode/ than
being created by iucode-tool, that this is because Intel now packs
updates for same Family-Model-Stepping files into one single file
containing multiple blobs, each for different processor flags.
Sadly that thread got closed before I found it. So I could not post
that devcpu-data would just fail these update files as invalid.
(BTW: You can check the number of blobs in the update files yourself
by using "cpupdate -I -vv -c <your intel-ucode dir>")
The reason for me to practically completely rewrite the update
functionality, instead of just fixing devcpu-data was that
when I worked on it, aside of the bugs mentioned above, I found
that it has just too many issues:
1. It is hard to understand. Few comments. Horrible spaghetti code.
2. It gives poor to no meaningful error information, making
difficult to impossible for users to determine cause of problems.
3. It has no functionality to get information about cpu
ID and revision. update files, and their contents.
Please take a look at the intel.c module of devcpu-data.
See how many gotos there are in the intel_update() function!
In my eyes this is BASIC style spaghetti at its worst.
And then compare this with cpupdate's intel.c module
to see that the new code bears *very little* resemblance
to this.
Of course, the module is larger because of more functionality.
Thus I do not see much sense in attempting to fix/patch
devcpu-data's microcode update functionality.
Instead I'd suggest to just remove/strip the microcode update
functionality from devcpu-data.
Then we would have two programs that do only one thing each,
and do this good:
- cpucontrol (= devcpu-data) for setting/reading CPU MSR registers
- cpupdate for handling microcode updating related stuff.
The cpupdate program, as it is now, is just an unpolished
suggestion/proposal I am offering to the community.
If there is interest in adding it to ports/system, I'd be
very willing to make it "perfect".
This would particularly include beautification/clean-up of code
and output, stripping code and functionality of what can/should be
stripped, creating manual page etc, adding AMD and VIA support,
maybe later others like ARM, too.
Regarding "getting my work into a form that would be accepted into
the base system", I would appreciate if it could be reviewed, either
by mailing list users or in the Phabricator, as suggestions and
feedback would be very helpful to make the tool "perfect".
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