Speculative: Rust for base system components
Conrad Meyer
cem at freebsd.org
Mon Dec 31 07:17:23 UTC 2018
Rust has many of the exact same problems C++ has. Sure, it avoids a
few classes of issue. But it doesn't fix the classic C++ problems of
extremely slow build times (if you think C++ is bad, Rust is worse)
and having a kitchen sink of language features that make Rust and C++
code difficult to grok.
It may be a suitable replacement for C++; it is not a suitable
replacement for C. And outside of a few components (Clang and devd),
most of the base system does not use C++.
Adding more LLVM build time to the base system is fairly objectionable
even if Rust was magical in all other aspects. Too much of the build
is LLVM today.
I don't think this is a viable long term plan even if Rust was ported
to all of our platforms (and I don't see that happening, either).
On Sun, Dec 30, 2018 at 9:39 PM Eric McCorkle <eric at metricspace.net> wrote:
> Before I begin, I want to be clear that everything here is in the realm
> of speculative, long-term discussion. My goal is to start a
> conversation, not to propose anything concrete right now.
> I've talked at several conferences about the possibility of bringing the
> Rust programming language into the base system, with the intent of
> making it a viable implementation language for parts of the base system.
> I believe the potential security and stability benefits of doing this
> are *substantial*. This would obviously be a serious undertaking, but I
> think the benefits are worth the cost. For the rest of this mail, I'll
> outline my position and present the important facts that support it.
> I of course welcome any discussion, criticism, or input.
> = Why Rust? =
> Rust is a true systems programming language that incorporates results
> from programming language research that took place in the late 90's and
> 2000's, and can be viewed as a culmination of this work. (Specifically,
> it draws on work on region types as well as substructural types, but
> that's its own survey article).
> This manifests most clearly in Rust's lifetime type system, which is
> able to perform quite sophisticated reasoning about memory allocation
> and ownership. Rust programs do not require you to explicitly manage
> memory, but neither do they use garbage collection. Memory management
> is automatically tracked by the lifetime types and allocations/frees are
> added during compilation. Moreover, threaded programs are able to use
> the same type system features to track ownership. This effectively
> prevents a large class of memory- and concurrency-related errors *at the
> type system level*, resulting in dramatically safer programs. Rust
> provides an "unsafe" language facility for accomplishing low-level
> tasks, so you're not prevented from getting things done; however, almost
> all programs can be implemented without relying on unsafe, and doing so
> eliminates what has probably been the two worst classes of bugs in the
> history of computing.
> Because this is done at the type system level, it has no cost at
> runtime. This theme of "zero-cost abstractions" runs throughout the
> language, which makes it suitable as a replacement for C in the long
> term. It also incorporates features befitting a modern programming
> language such as parameterized types (aka generics), pattern-matching,
> and trait-based polymorphism. Finally, it can interface with C/C++
> binaries and libraries relatively easily, making it a suitable systems
> implementation language.
> Because of these benefits, several projects (Mozilla and Tor) have begun
> to reimplement their systems using Rust. Additionally, there is a
> master's thesis about writing FreeBSD device drivers using Rust out
> there somewhere (forgive me for not chasing it down).
> A secondary benefit is that Rust's packaging system, cargo, is built
> around a more modern concept of modularity. This is in line with
> FreeBSD's goals of modularizing the base system and reducing redundancy.
> = Downsides =
> There are a couple of downsides, which I'll outline briefly, and provide
> some counterargumentation for them.
> * It's a big component
> Adding the entire Rust platform would add more to the buildworld time,
> which is already quite long due to LLVM. OTOH, LLVM itself is a big
> chunk of the rust build time, and we already build that as part of the
> base system now. Moreover, it stands to reason that the compiler would
> end up being the majority of an open-source operating system's build
> time, with second place being the kernel itself. Compilers are an
> active area of research with no signs of slowing down, and more hardware
> platforms means more backends, which means the compiler ends up growing
> over time, while most of the rest of the system doesn't.
> * The language is still evolving
> While this is true, the language has gotten *way* more mature in the
> past year and a half, and I think it's ready to hold up major codebases
> and production use, or at the very least it will be by the time we'd be
> seriously looking at bringing it in.
> * Rust binaries are large
> This issue can be avoided with the proper use of build flags. The
> default settings use static linking for everything, and bring in the
> entire runtime library (which isn't necessary in most cases). See this
> article:
> https://lifthrasiir.github.io/rustlog/why-is-a-rust-executable-large.html.
> With LTO, the size can be cut down to that of a C++ binary, and with
> dynamic linking, the executable size is comparable to a C program. If
> we were seriously using rust, we would probably change the default flags
> to use dynamic linking/LTO by default, in fact.
> = Alternatives =
> There have been several alternatives that come up when I mention this.
> I'll discuss the two big ones: go and C++
> == C++ ==
> C++ is already in the base system, of course. It could be brought into
> the kernel with some effort and restrictions. The biggest argument for
> Rust over C++ in my view is that Rust is a much simpler, cleaner
> language. C++ at this point is bewilderingly complex as a language, and
> has so many bells and whistles that it almost requires an effort to
> decide which subset of the language will be used. This also tends to
> slow down efforts to expand the language over time.
> Rust by comparison is much leaner. Its lifetime type system can be
> intimidating, but the benefits are well worth getting used to it. To
> sum it up, C++ certainly isn't going anywhere, but I think Rust has a
> great deal more vitality as a language.
> == Go ==
> Go is not really a "systems language" in the sense that C or Rust are.
> It isn't a replacement for C so much as a replacement for python.
> What's more, it is almost universally disliked by people with a
> background in programming languages (I am one of those). There's a
> couple of reasons for this. First, it omits a number of features that
> modern languages *really* should include, parameterized types (generics)
> being one of the most glaring. Beyond that, it completely ignores
> anything produced by modern PL research (unlike Rust, which benefits
> from that work). Second, one of its main design parameters was "it
> should compile fast". This as a design constraint basically guarantees
> that you can't do anything interesting in compilation, which rules out
> both advanced type systems as well as serious optimization.
> Unlike Rust, which offers substantial security and stability benefits
> through its type system, Go would do little more than just change the
> syntax of a bunch of code. Moreover, it's likely that there would be
> performance consequences, given the design constraint of fast compilation.
> = Summary =
> Rust is a modern systems language with substantial benefits, and is
> well-poised to become the heir apparent to C as the dominant systems
> language going into the future. For this reason, I think we should
> seriously consider it as a language for the base system at some point in
> the future, when the time is right and after sufficient exploration and
> experimentation.
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