Speculative: Rust for base system components

Alan Somers asomers at freebsd.org
Mon Dec 31 06:35:20 UTC 2018

On Sun, Dec 30, 2018 at 10:38 PM Eric McCorkle <eric at metricspace.net> wrote:
> Before I begin, I want to be clear that everything here is in the realm
> of speculative, long-term discussion.  My goal is to start a
> conversation, not to propose anything concrete right now.
> I've talked at several conferences about the possibility of bringing the
> Rust programming language into the base system, with the intent of
> making it a viable implementation language for parts of the base system.
>  I believe the potential security and stability benefits of doing this
> are *substantial*.  This would obviously be a serious undertaking, but I
> think the benefits are worth the cost.  For the rest of this mail, I'll
> outline my position and present the important facts that support it.
> I of course welcome any discussion, criticism, or input.
> = Why Rust? =
> Rust is a true systems programming language that incorporates results
> from programming language research that took place in the late 90's and
> 2000's, and can be viewed as a culmination of this work.  (Specifically,
> it draws on work on region types as well as substructural types, but
> that's its own survey article).
> This manifests most clearly in Rust's lifetime type system, which is
> able to perform quite sophisticated reasoning about memory allocation
> and ownership.  Rust programs do not require you to explicitly manage
> memory, but neither do they use garbage collection.  Memory management
> is automatically tracked by the lifetime types and allocations/frees are
> added during compilation.  Moreover, threaded programs are able to use
> the same type system features to track ownership.  This effectively
> prevents a large class of memory- and concurrency-related errors *at the
> type system level*, resulting in dramatically safer programs.  Rust
> provides an "unsafe" language facility for accomplishing low-level
> tasks, so you're not prevented from getting things done; however, almost
> all programs can be implemented without relying on unsafe, and doing so
> eliminates what has probably been the two worst classes of bugs in the
> history of computing.
> Because this is done at the type system level, it has no cost at
> runtime.  This theme of "zero-cost abstractions" runs throughout the
> language, which makes it suitable as a replacement for C in the long
> term.  It also incorporates features befitting a modern programming
> language such as parameterized types (aka generics), pattern-matching,
> and trait-based polymorphism.  Finally, it can interface with C/C++
> binaries and libraries relatively easily, making it a suitable systems
> implementation language.
> Because of these benefits, several projects (Mozilla and Tor) have begun
> to reimplement their systems using Rust.  Additionally, there is a
> master's thesis about writing FreeBSD device drivers using Rust out
> there somewhere (forgive me for not chasing it down).

I would be interested to read that, if you can find the link.

> A secondary benefit is that Rust's packaging system, cargo, is built
> around a more modern concept of modularity.  This is in line with
> FreeBSD's goals of modularizing the base system and reducing redundancy.
> = Downsides =
> There are a couple of downsides, which I'll outline briefly, and provide
> some counterargumentation for them.
> * It's a big component
> Adding the entire Rust platform would add more to the buildworld time,
> which is already quite long due to LLVM.  OTOH, LLVM itself is a big
> chunk of the rust build time, and we already build that as part of the
> base system now.  Moreover, it stands to reason that the compiler would
> end up being the majority of an open-source operating system's build
> time, with second place being the kernel itself.  Compilers are an
> active area of research with no signs of slowing down, and more hardware
> platforms means more backends, which means the compiler ends up growing
> over time, while most of the rest of the system doesn't.
> * The language is still evolving
> While this is true, the language has gotten *way* more mature in the
> past year and a half, and I think it's ready to hold up major codebases
> and production use, or at the very least it will be by the time we'd be
> seriously looking at bringing it in.
> * Rust binaries are large
> This issue can be avoided with the proper use of build flags.  The
> default settings use static linking for everything, and bring in the
> entire runtime library (which isn't necessary in most cases).  See this
> article:
> https://lifthrasiir.github.io/rustlog/why-is-a-rust-executable-large.html.
>  With LTO, the size can be cut down to that of a C++ binary, and with
> dynamic linking, the executable size is comparable to a C program.  If
> we were seriously using rust, we would probably change the default flags
> to use dynamic linking/LTO by default, in fact.

Another downside: Rust doesn't support all FreeBSD architectures.
Right now, on FreeBSD it only runs on i386, amd64, and aarch64.  On
other OSes it supports additional architectures, though.  The biggest
requirement for porting Rust to a new architecture is LLVM support.
So we can't use Rust for almost anything in the base system until all
architectures are on LLVM.

> = Alternatives =
> There have been several alternatives that come up when I mention this.
> I'll discuss the two big ones: go and C++
> == C++ ==
> C++ is already in the base system, of course.  It could be brought into
> the kernel with some effort and restrictions.  The biggest argument for
> Rust over C++ in my view is that Rust is a much simpler, cleaner
> language.  C++ at this point is bewilderingly complex as a language, and
> has so many bells and whistles that it almost requires an effort to
> decide which subset of the language will be used.  This also tends to
> slow down efforts to expand the language over time.
> Rust by comparison is much leaner.  Its lifetime type system can be
> intimidating, but the benefits are well worth getting used to it.  To
> sum it up, C++ certainly isn't going anywhere, but I think Rust has a
> great deal more vitality as a language.

Yeah.  C++ has none of Rust's safety features.  For OS work, it has
few advantages over C.

> == Go ==
> Go is not really a "systems language" in the sense that C or Rust are.
> It isn't a replacement for C so much as a replacement for python.
> What's more, it is almost universally disliked by people with a
> background in programming languages (I am one of those).  There's a
> couple of reasons for this.  First, it omits a number of features that
> modern languages *really* should include, parameterized types (generics)
> being one of the most glaring.  Beyond that, it completely ignores
> anything produced by modern PL research (unlike Rust, which benefits
> from that work).  Second, one of its main design parameters was "it
> should compile fast".  This as a design constraint basically guarantees
> that you can't do anything interesting in compilation, which rules out
> both advanced type systems as well as serious optimization.
> Unlike Rust, which offers substantial security and stability benefits
> through its type system, Go would do little more than just change the
> syntax of a bunch of code.  Moreover, it's likely that there would be
> performance consequences, given the design constraint of fast compilation.

I think there's a common misconception that Go and Rust are similar
just because they were invented at about the same time and they share
some superficial syntactial similarities.  But Go is much less
suitable for an OS.  It's a memory-managed language, like Java.
Remember when Java was the hot new thing, and people predicted that
OSes would be written entirely in Java, and microprocessors would be
redesigned to execute JVM bytecode directly?  It never happened,
because Java just isn't suitable for low-level work.  Neither is Go.
Rust is.

> = Summary =
> Rust is a modern systems language with substantial benefits, and is
> well-poised to become the heir apparent to C as the dominant systems
> language going into the future.  For this reason, I think we should
> seriously consider it as a language for the base system at some point in
> the future, when the time is right and after sufficient exploration and
> experimentation.

+100.  Rust is definitely the best systems programming language since
C.  It's better than C++.  It's already being used in experimental
operating systems like RedoxOS, and I think it's going to become the
standard for most innovative OS work soon.  FreeBSD should adopt it;
the only question is when.  And the answer, I think, is after all
architectures are built with LLVM.  There will be some problems to
work out, of course, but it will be worth it.


P.S. I was writing some Rust when I got this email

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