Weird USB DA behavior

Eugene Grosbein eugen at
Sat Aug 25 20:45:03 UTC 2018

26.08.2018 3:22, David Cross wrote:

> I turned debugging ALL the way up on geli (3) and noticed the hangs always
> happened when geli handed off a 20480 length read to the layer below (in
> this case mirror).. I used the rebugging output to create a dummy program
> called 'pread' to try to simulate these failures, and I was quite
> successful.  Attached is 'pread.c' which takes on stdin a offset and a
> length to read.  In that version I overwrote it to always ask for 32k., and
> that works  every time.  If I eliminate that line and let the input data
> control it, on some of the 20480 (and a different set each time) it hangs,
> after the hang the pread returns _0_ (and obviously no errno), no kernel
> logs.  "pread" is run directly against /dev/da0, so no mirror or geli
> layers at this point.

The lists strips non-textual attachments, so requestdata.txt get passed
but pread.c was stripped from the message. You need to re-send it changing
name to something like pread.c.txt

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