Can we please finally solve Dell's racadm for FreeBSD? Advice needed

Vincent Hoffman-Kazlauskas vince at
Mon Apr 30 10:44:22 UTC 2018

for a quick tl;dr
kldload ipmi
pkg install freeipmi ipmitool
dmidecode --string  system-product-name
PowerEdge R420
[root at brittlestar ~]# ipmi-sensors | head -4
ID  | Name             | Type                     | Reading    | Units |
1   | SEL              | Event Logging Disabled   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
2   | Intrusion        | Physical Security        | N/A        | N/A   |
11  | Fan1A            | Fan                      | 6240.00    | RPM   |

or for an r210
root at helios:~ # ipmi-sensors | grep -i intr
31 | Intrusion        | Physical Security        | N/A        | N/A   | 'OK'

see also the rest of the freeipmi utils and maybe ipmitool for a
different interface (I prefer it for some uses)


On 29/04/2018 15:28, Peter G. wrote:
> On 29/04/2018 05:08, Jack L. wrote:
>> I manage a variety of Dell servers running FreeBSD, only 610 and 1950s
>> work with racadm but everything that can be done with racadm can also
>> be done with ipmitool. I just use ipmitool to get around instead of
>> their proprietary racadm stuff. What functionality do you need from
>> racadm and maybe I can give you an ipmitool equivalent?
> It seems I may missed the ipmi angle altogether assuming it was only
> remote. Only now following Dan's comments I am realizing how racadm
> works talking to local hardware.
> You mean using this impi(4) as a local device and talking to it via
> local tool allowing coms with the device? Oh, that would do nicely. I
> need this for scripting mostly, e.g. monitoring what the intrusion
> sensor shows.
> Can you please describe your setup? What other kernel modules and 3rd
> party software do you employ? Any tricks with device.hints are needed? I
> have a small R220 at hand for testing, but it's lacking impi(4)
> altogether. Will have to rebuild.
> --
> PG
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