"Sysctl as a Service" for influxdb / telegraf

Ed Schouten ed at nuxi.nl
Sun Apr 29 11:47:59 UTC 2018

Hi Eitan.

2018-04-29 7:24 GMT+02:00 Eitan Adler <lists at eitanadler.com>:
> I've been talking with the maintainer of telegraf about implementing
> an importer for the Prometheus exporter. They mentioned that they'd
> prefer a slightly different format.

Not that I want to block any progress, maybe it makes sense to point
the maintainer of Telegraf here:


Apparently, the PrometheusDB, Influx and Monarch/Stackdriver authors
(see CONTRIBUTORS.md) are working on standardising the Prometheus
metrics format. Maybe it makes sense for the Telegraf developers to
join that effort?

Ed Schouten <ed at nuxi.nl>
Nuxi, 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands

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