The future of fortune(6)

Bill Sorenson instructionset at
Mon Nov 27 04:31:28 UTC 2017

> No kidding.  At least 30 years ago, when I was at CSRG, a female professor
> complained that she had received an offensive fortune when she logged out.
> After some investigation, we found that she was using her husband's account,
> and he had "fortune -o" in his .logout file.  Case closed.
>                 Mike

I want to 2nd Mike Karels' sentiments. There is a *big* - huge -
massive difference between words people don't like and someone being

I don't want to give the impression that I see value in having Hitler
quotes in base, I don't, its out. Great by me. At the same time I
don't see the value of scrubbing base of arrangements of words people
don't like. If I see that fortune spits out a Rush Limbaugh quote, a
Hitler quote, an Franklin D Roosevelt quote or an Al Franken quote or
a bad joke I for one don't instantly come to the assumption that this
is somehow an endorsement by the project or even a commiter of any
particular thing. Its just stuff in history. In a way thats really
what fortune is, a collection of history (even if just FreeBSD tips).

Frankly, I'm a bit offended (if mildly) by the stance that "we've
decided to excise fortune from base because its a tool used to spread
hate and bad ideas." This is dangerously approaching the point of
censoring the project because of how people might decide to use the
software. Even Richard Stallman doesn't go for this sort of thing.
Maybe we should start to discuss ripping OpenSSH out of base because
it could be used in the commission of a felony or to hurt somebody's
feelings. I don't want to remove vi from base just because I feel
stupid after using it. There is a cost to having a free and open
society, one of those is that someone may use fortune to print
detestable quotes about Hitler on their terminal.

I for one would recommend leaving things alone unless it is a
substantive improvement.

-Bill S.

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