The future of fortune(6)

Chris H bsd-lists at
Thu Nov 23 02:23:35 UTC 2017

On Wed, 22 Nov 2017 08:29:46 -0800 "Benno Rice" <benno at> said

> Hello, all!
> With the removal of the fortune datfiles I think it’s time to have a
> discussion about fortune(6).
> fortune now defaults to using a fortune file that no longer exists:
> $ fortune
> No fortunes found in
> /usr/share/games/fortune:/usr/local/share/games/fortune.
> fortune is still used in the default .login/.profile to show entries from the
> still existing freebsd-tips:
> $ grep fortune /usr/share/skel/*
> /usr/share/skel/dot.login:if ( -x /usr/bin/fortune ) /usr/bin/fortune
> freebsd-tips
> /usr/share/skel/dot.profile:if [ -x /usr/bin/fortune ] ; then
> /usr/bin/fortune freebsd-tips ; fi
> $ fortune freebsd-tips
> If you need a reminder to leave your terminal, type "leave +hhmm" where
> "hhmm" represents in how many hours and minutes you need to leave.
> 		-- Dru <genesis at>
> fortune also still has flags for showing offensive entries and the like.
> I would like people’s opinion on which of the following two paths we should
> take:
> 1) Complete removal of fortune and freebsd-tips, remove its usage from the
> default .login/.profile files.
> 2) Reworking fortune(6) to remove the offensive fortune flag and make
> freebsd-tips the default, possibly by symlinking it as
> /usr/share/games/fortune/fortunes.
> Personally I lean towards the first option.
HooWee! Here we go again... :)
IMHO There is no reason to have removed the original fortune(6).
Yes. There *were* some (potentially) offensive fortunes. *But* you had
to make a conscious decision to 1) turn that option on. 2) accepting the
knowledge that they *may* be offensive.
Why was there *ever* an issue?!
I pick up a hammer, and place my hand on the kitchen counter. I then raise
the hammer. Taking careful aim, to ensure that when I bring the hammer down
swiftly. It will strike my hand. I've done so *knowing* the outcome.
See any similarities?
If it's to (hopefully) return, and given the proposed option(s).
I'd like to suggest that fortune be re-instated, using FreeBSD tips as the
default. *But* with the option to re-instate the "traditional/classic" fortune(s).
Doesn't that make for a win-win situation? :)

Thanks for listening. :)


> Thanks,
> 	Benno.
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