The future of fortune(6)

Eugene Grosbein eugen at
Wed Nov 22 18:51:01 UTC 2017

22.11.2017 23:29, Benno Rice wrote:

> 1) Complete removal of fortune and freebsd-tips, remove its usage from the default .login/.profile files.
> 2) Reworking fortune(6) to remove the offensive fortune flag and make freebsd-tips the default, possibly by symlinking it as /usr/share/games/fortune/fortunes.
> Personally I lean towards the first option.

Please leave fortune(6) alone and stop ruining useful enviforment removing
utilities being here long time for no reason.

You forgot that fortune(6) is not limited to files installed with base system
but is very useful with custom local set of fortunes, too.
And leave strfile(8) etc. intact for the same reason, please.

Eugene Grosbein

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