Mini sas forward/ reverse cables ?

Mark Saad nonesuch at
Mon Mar 13 00:48:54 UTC 2017

> On Mar 12, 2017, at 5:02 PM, Michael Fuckner <michael at> wrote:
>> On 3/12/2017 9:54 PM, Mark Saad wrote:
>> All
>>  I read this post on zfs corruption and there is an interesting comment about cable types .
>> The part of the story I found interesting was how the disks didn't show up in the controller bios .
> > I have that issue with a similar card on this server . So has anyone > ever seen this cabling issue ? Is it worth changing? How do I know
> > which cable I have ?
> it's pretty straight forward- if your controller is multilane and backplane single- you need a straight cable. This is the default!
> If your controller is single and your backplane is multilane, your cable needs to be cross over. If it is working, there is no need to change.

What sort of markings would I look for ? Are the connections different ? Also the post indicated it was something they overlooked on their initial buildout that gave them a working ( albeit poorly ) setup .

> Regards,
> Michael!

Mark Saad | nonesuch at

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