Linuxulator / Chrome

Mason Loring Bliss mason at
Sat Jun 3 14:20:47 UTC 2017

[Posted to freebsd-questions last night, but there's probably a better
chance of someone having done this here.]

Hi all. Will Chrome work on Linuxulator if I chase down enough dependencies?    
I'm trying to get BlueJeans running, and it's balking in both Firefox and       
Chromium on FreeBSD (11-STABLE) so I figured I'd give Chrome under the          
Linuxulator a try. I hit several missing libraries until I realized I needed    
to install the whole linux-c6 (also tried linux-c7) suite.                      
Once that was done, I hit this:                                                 
    ./chrome: error while loading shared libraries: cannot     
    open shared object file: No such file or directory                          
We don't seem to have a package for it.                                         
I tried running ldd to see what other libraries I'd need, but the ldd in        
/compat bailed out, saying "missing file". I suspect it's not intended to be    
used, as it has /bin/bash in the shebang line. The native LDD was unhappy       
with the Chrome binary.                                                         
I've now pulled out a list of libraries from a Linux machine where I could      
run ldd, and I can collect the libraries by hand from Linux to populate         
/compat, but I'm really interested in knowing if anyone's gotten Chrome         
working this way, or if I'll run into known obstacles once I have all the       
libraries in place.                                                             

Mason Loring Bliss            mason at    
The sand bats of Manark IV look like inanimate rock crystals until they attack.
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