Run binary from test suite

Panagiotes Mousikides paggas1 at
Wed Jul 12 17:01:49 UTC 2017

Den 2017-07-11 kl. 20:05, skrev Ngie Cooper:
> On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 10:38 AM, Panagiotes Mousikides
> <paggas1 at> wrote:
>> (Resending due to moderation.)
>> Hello!
>> I'm a Google Summer of Code student, writing some tests for the FreeBSD test
>> suite, and putting them under src/tests.  I need to run some binaries,
>> specifically pfctl.
>> How should I call pfctl from my test scripts?  Should I call it directly and
>> let the shell find the binary in the path?  Or should I find where the build
>> version got created (somewhere under /usr/obj) and call that? How do I find
>> where the binary ended up getting created in that case?
>> Best regards,
>> Panagiotes
> Hello Panagiotes,
>      Please call pfctl from $PATH -- don't hardcode the path, ever.
> I'll be looking at making "make check" more developer friendly in the
> next 3-6 months, so running "make check" from usr.sbin/pf/... will
> automatically add a set path/environment which hooks in to *
> The goal of this is to simplify developer use for "make check".
>      Also, if the tests (for whatever reason) aren't going to be
> installed alongside pfctl, e.g., tests/sys/pf/... please add 'atf_set
> "require.progs" "pfctl"' to the header to ensure that the test is
> skipped if/when pfctl isn't installed on the system.
> Cheers,
> -Ngie
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Hi Ngie!

Thanks a lot for your reply!  I will change the tests to call pfctl from 

The tests in question are for the pfctl binary, so I'm going to move 
them from src/tests/sbin/pfctl to src/sbin/pfctl/tests.

Also, how should I utilize 'make check'?  What I currently do is 'make' 
and 'make install' from src/sbin/pfctl/tests, and then 'kyua test' from 
either the same directory or from /usr/tests/sbin/pfctl.

Best regards,

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