GSoC Project Involving the reimplementation of beadm(1)

Slawa Olhovchenkov slw at
Mon Feb 20 13:49:19 UTC 2017

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 10:15:09PM +0900, Tomoya Tabuchi wrote:

> Hello,
> I am interested in doing a GSoC project this year with the idea "Write a
> new boot environment manager" on the ideas list.
> (
> I would like to ask a few questions involving this.
> First, is there a particular reason why this project is listed in the
> ideas list? Aside the fact the current implementation in sh is rather
> complicated, I was unable to come up with a reason to justify the
> reimplementation.
> Second, is making the new implmentation of beadm(1) platform independent
> and promoting it across the various OpenZFS implmentation / communities
> as some sort of "standard" implmentation a good idea, or is it
> over-zealous / outside of the project scope / intrusive to other
> projects.
> As for a late self introduction, my name is Tomoya Tabuchi, and I am a
> undergraduate student at Doshisha University in Japan. I will start my
> third year in university in April.

Don't know about link above. For me, current beadm have some leaks:

1. Don't check cosistency before applay:
  I am try to enable beadm on 10.1 install and switch to 11.0.

2. Need to control what put under beadm.

All of this don't need to rewrite all beadm, IMHO.

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