Running dual boot windows inside of bhyve

Cy Schubert Cy.Schubert at
Wed Dec 27 22:31:15 UTC 2017

I've had no issues when I p2v Windows partitions. In the case of my laptop, which has 3 FreeBSD partitions and a Windows partition, I've had no licensing issues interchangeably booting it under VirtualBox under FreeBSD or on the bare metal.

Sent using a tiny phone keyboard.
Apologies for any typos and autocorrect.
Also, this old phone only supports top post. Apologies.

Cy Schubert
<Cy.Schubert at> or <cy at>
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rebecca Cran
Sent: 27/12/2017 09:37
To: Alan Somers; Aryeh Friedman
Cc: freebsd-virtualization at; FreeBSD Mailing List; FreeBSD Mailing List
Subject: Re: Running dual boot windows inside of bhyve

On 12/27/2017 10:15 AM, Alan Somers wrote:
> I fear that you may be out of luck.  Windows deliberately frustrates this
> use case by profiling its hardware at installation time and at every boot
> thereafter.  If the hardware changes too much, then Windows demands a new
> license fee.  Moving from physical hardware to a VM would probably trip
> every one of its alarms.

Fortunately modern versions at least allow you to move the installation 
to a different machine without requiring a reinstall. You might be told 
you need to relicense it, and it will take some time to reconfigure 
itself to the new hardware it finds itself running on, but it'll work at 

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