Objections to converting bsd-family-tree to a dot file

J. Lewis Muir jlmuir at imca-cat.org
Fri Dec 15 17:21:31 UTC 2017

On 12/14, John Nemeth wrote:
> On Dec 14,  8:15pm, Eitan Adler wrote:
> } I'd like to turn this into into a dot file
>      How easy would it be to render something like the existing
> bsd-family-tree, e.g. something that is reasonably intelligent when
> viewed with more(1) or less(1) with the same basic information that
> it has now?  Also, would rendering it be something that can reasonably
> be done while building the system, or would it need to be pre-rendered
> and the result checked into the SCM (keep in mind that NetBSD's
> build.sh is portable, i.e. you can build NetBSD on Windows if you
> feel like it)?

Maybe Graph-Easy <http://search.cpan.org/dist/Graph-Easy/> could be
used?  I've never used it, but it claims to support generating graphs as
ASCII art.


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