dualboot FreeNAS and FreeBSD

Holger Herrlich holger.herrlich at arcor.de
Sat Dec 9 01:19:42 UTC 2017

I want to dual boot a FreeBSD based FreeNAS and FreeBSD. While booting
FreeNAS succeeds, FreeBSD is inaccessible (FreeNAS always ever boots).

The FreeNAS install is either:
 a BIOS system partition based boot
 or a EFI system partition based boot
 deploying GPT partitioning scheme

 The dual boot is required in order to access HW.


Using refind:

a) Selecting by GPT partition type (freebsd-zfs/freebsd-ufs):
Deploying the FreeBSD's efi-loader (boot1.efi) will search for
freebsd-ufs and freebsd-zfs partitions, prefering freebsd-zfs.

b) Selecting by zfs pool or dataset/filesystem by ID.
boot1.efi neither can choose a zfs pool nor a dataset by ID.
First found rules.

c) Loading FreeNAS using boot1.efi and FreeBSD by directly loading the
loader (3rd stage).
refind is missing a ufs driver.


I will try to configure one of the FreeNAS's GRUBs already in use.
However, may an efi-loader be "manufactured" the way to boot one
certain BSD install.

What about the boot.conf mentioned in boot(8).

Thanks Holger

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