Getting PRs fixed

Yuri Pankov yuripv at
Mon Dec 4 06:16:43 UTC 2017

On Fri, Dec  1, 2017 at 09:39:22AM -0800, Freddie Cash wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 6:46 AM, Rebecca Cran <rebecca at> wrote:
>>> On Dec 1, 2017, at 6:18 AM, Jamie Landeg-Jones <jamie at>
>> wrote:
>>> I've been using FreeBSD both professionally and personally since
>>> 2.2.7-RELEASE and I've fixed various bugs over the years, but a year or
>>> so ago, I got fed up with the general indifference these last few years.
>> I was just thinking about getting back into bug-busting for FreeBSD: a few
>> years ago when we were using GNATS we had a team that did triage,
>> follow-ups etc. that made some progress. Was that effort wound-down with
>> the move to Bugzilla, or is the team still active?
> ​I don't know about triage, as in determining priority for specific bugs,
> but there is a team that goes through the bug database assigning bugs to
> individuals and teams, and updating the Subject: line to better reflect the
> issue in the bug.

That's good and all, but in my quick walk through the current open PRs 
against base system, there are a lots of PR with patches that just lie 
there collecting dust, a lot of PRs that have been analyzed and should 
be closed as "not a bug" or simply being more suited to be asked on 
questions@, and I don't see how I'd get someone to actually look at them 
-- so it's not like there's no interest in fixing bugs -- the number of 
patches in bugtracker says there's a lot of interest, it's just somewhat 
hard to get patches integrated.

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