Freebsd 11.0 - system freeze on intensive I/O

Konstantin Belousov kostikbel at
Wed Aug 9 08:46:06 UTC 2017

On Wed, Aug 09, 2017 at 12:41:02PM +0530, Gautam wrote:
> Hi,
> I raised this topic on freebsd-questions where I suspect a bug caused due
> to swapfile usage on FreeBSD.
> You could read details in the below thread, but summary is that with using
> a swapfile (not a swap partition) the system freezes on some single process
> intensive I/O. This is 100% reproducible.
Also this is expected.

> I raised a PR - 220971 ; but there are no backtraces / logs etc. that could
> possibly help.

> I would like to help narrow this down, but do not know how. Any suggestions
> on how to debug a system freeze and what I need to do ? I could then try to
> reproduce this and collect the needed information - traces etc.
> Thanks,
> Gautam
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