lacp weirdness on 10.3-STABLE

Mark Saad nonesuch at
Fri Oct 28 21:14:40 UTC 2016

Hi everyone
 I wast sure where to start on this one. So let me jump in here.
I have a box with a dual port solarflare card. Both ports were running in
lagg for a while with out any issues. I took the box down free up some
space in the rack. I reciently
booted it back up; using the original network ports and cables from the
original seutp. However I can not bring up the lagg in lacp mode. Trussing
the process is showing this

n01:~ # ifconfig lagg0 up lacp
ifconfig: lacp: bad value

n01:~ # truss ifconfig lagg0 up lacp
read(4,"# $FreeBSD: stable/10/etc/networ"...,4096) = 368 (0x170)
read(4,0x801c47000,4096)                         = 0 (0x0)
close(4)                                         = 0 (0x0)
ifconfig: write(2,"ifconfig: ",10)                       = 10 (0xa)
lacp: bad valuewrite(2,"lacp: bad value",15)                     = 15 (0xf)

I am at a loss. The Switch ports are in the original configs as well.
Anyone have any ideas ?
Kernel and Userland are  FreeBSD 10.3-STABLE #0: Tue Aug 23 14:48:27 EDT

mark saad | nonesuch at

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