looking for areas to contribute

Otacílio otacilio.neto at bsd.com.br
Wed Mar 23 15:02:28 UTC 2016

Em 19/03/2016 12:52, Littlefield, Tyler escreveu:
> Hash: SHA1
> All,
> I've asked this before, but I'm in a better position now to make this
> work.
> I'm fluent with C and other languages and want to start contributing
> to BSD. I'm happy to work where ever I can be of use, I love more
> lower level stuff but anything that has me working on code would be
> great. My questions:
> 1) How do people usually have their environments set up? I'm thinking
> of running fbsd11 in BHyve where I can do testing, but if there's a
> better way to test that won't require so many resources that would be
> nice as well. I didn't want to break my host with testing since it's
> going to run various other services.
> 2) How do you prevent rebuilding world and kernel for simple patches?
> 3) ideas on what to work on would be great. I haven't gotten into
> really advanced BSD work for a while now, so I haven't found anything
> that is incredibly broken.
> Also although this may be off topic, I'm hoping I might find someone
> who uses IOCage here since this seems to be out of the realm of what
> most people do. Has anyone used IOCage on FreeBSD 11? If so, how did
> you manage to fetch the release? I pointed it to the snapshot FTP path
> and it fetched and extracted (freebsd-update failed to get public
> keys), but it doesn't show it as a release. My second thought is if
> I'm working on world then I can just rebuild world under the jail. Is
> this a good solution?
> Thanks,
> - -- 
> Take care,
> Ty
> Twitter: @sorressean
> Web: https://tysdomain.com
> Pubkey: https://tysdomain.com/files/pubkey.asc
> Version: GnuPG v2
> 5Md/o4rR3Nui5x1DyM7p+g666cmJd+2TX1cl1nkbhYUt9sNiQbrHHfup+pIKGsaU
> F38lkBfGZ+t7vFEgSmiTd9B71IYrLHOkOmgUZE0WMpc3zJs7Y+Stku7kL2R3ej+w
> qaR+bSMpc9RQ6rgtBbKS4ubim5gyjdaOdQpp4FUt40eJGGDN+k+ecc3jgRE6S2z+
> 7F4uwck+NLUhSybH+kjB6HHqX0oRcEu+XqNveFp7kGKY2aFSPdhgPdD+MAoKFunW
> ZzCwCgvY3aaGnKy/VfFP9oQ+P3gdVY4DccnQvufE3AyvNN7d+fl+b4HsZMGXXmI=
> =Ybcf

Hello Tyler

I'm not expert in FreeBSD but maybe I can give some hints for you.

1) For setup a enviroment for build, test and debug I'm using Virtualbox 
on a Windows 10 Host. Until now FreeBSD don't have a port of the 
Virtualbox 5, so for use Hyper-V with VT-x and nested pages I need a 
Windows host. My processor is a i7-3517U. After setup Virtualbox on 
windows I create a virtual machine, download a bootonly FreeBSD ISO from 
https://www.freebsd.org/where.html and install in this virtual machine. 
I do not install ports or src because I always do a checkout from the 
svn repo. So, after install I do a checkout of the most recents sources 
from svn repo. I use this command:

# svnlite co https://svn.freebsd.org/base/head /usr/src

After, I rebuild the entire system using thre procedure that you can 
find here on topic 23.6.1:

# https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/makeworld.html

After the rebuild you will running the version that you checkou from 
repositoy. So I do a checkout of ports.

# svnlite co https://svn.freebsd.org/ports /usr/ports

And then I install the virtualbox guest drivers:

# cd /usr/ports/emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions/ && make install clean

So afther this I have a system with the latest versions. For do a 
partial build you can use the procedure listed here on topic 23.6.6:


Remember, this list of commands is not complete, it is only a partial 
list of what to do. Somo commands needs others (like install the 
virtualbox guest driver), but when doing, messages will tell you what to do.

2) About do a partial build of kernel modules you can read here the 

(topic 8.5)

  Jean Sébastien Pédron did a great job writing a article about Getting 
started with kernel projects. You can read here:


3) About ideas for projects, what do you think about port the latest 
version of virtual box host to FreeBSD :-)?


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