Call for 2016Q1 quarterly status reports

Benjamin Kaduk bjk at
Sun Mar 13 19:45:53 UTC 2016

Dear FreeBSD Community,

The deadline for the next FreeBSD Quarterly Status update is April 7,
2016, for work done in January through March.

Status report submissions do not have to be very long.  They may be about
anything happening in the FreeBSD project and community, and provide a
great way to inform FreeBSD users and developers about what you're working
on.  Submission of reports is not restricted to committers.  Anyone doing
anything interesting and FreeBSD-related can -- and should -- write one!

The preferred and easiest submission method is to use the XML generator
[1] with the results emailed to the status report team at monthly at .  There is also an XML template [2] which can be filled out
manually and attached if preferred.  For the expected content and style,
please study our guidelines on how to write a good status report [3].
You can also review previous issues [4][5] for ideas on the style and

We are looking forward to all of your 2015Q4 reports!


Ben (on behalf of monthly@)


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