syslogd(8) with OOM Killer protection

Willem Jan Withagen wjw at
Thu Jan 28 12:08:04 UTC 2016

On 27-1-2016 17:40, Marcelo Araujo wrote:
> On Jan 28, 2016 12:37 AM, "Warren Block" <wblock at> wrote:
>> On Wed, 27 Jan 2016, Allan Jude wrote:
>>> On 2016-01-27 01:21, Marcelo Araujo wrote:
>>>> Hi guys,
>>>> I would like to know your opinion about this REVIEW[1].
>>>> The basic idea is protect by default the syslogd(8) against been killed
> by
>>>> OOM with an option to disable the protection.
>>>> Some people like the idea, other people would prefer something more
> global
>>>> where we can protect any daemon by the discretion of our choice.
>>>> Thoughts?
>>>> [1]
>>>> Best,
>>> I do like the idea of generalizing it, say via rc.subr
>>> So you can just do:
>>> someapp_protect=YES (and maybe syslogd has this enabled by default in
>>> /etc/defaults/rc.conf) and it prefixes the start command with protect -i.
>> Possibly simpler to provide a list in one setting than an individual
> setting for each daemon.  With ideas from other posters:
>>    oomprotect_daemons="crond syslogd"

I would really NOT like that.

I'm trying to keep settings per deamon together in a file in 
and load configs from there.
This makes daemon managment from external tools (puppet etc) a LOT easier.
It can just copy a default file into /etc/rc.conf.d if it wants a daemon
available on a server.

Requiring a collection of damons in one config-options wil make that 

just my 2 cts.,

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